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'Memory and the Legal System', ERSC Festival of Social Science, University of Birmingham, 3rd - 10th November 2018

This online event showcases our recent research on the diverse ways in which memory and trauma impact the legal system, and the work we are doing to improve memory the performance of eyewitnesses and victims. Watch this space for more details.
Festival website: https://esrc.ukri.org/public-engagement/festival-of-social-science/
Victims of sexual violence are often alcohol-intoxicated during the attack. How does this affect the accuracy of their memory for the assault? This talk reviews the research evidence on alcohol's effects on memory for rape, and draws implications. Presented by Heather Flowe, PhD, ,from the University of Birmingham.
Gender inequality is an enduring human rights violation, and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) one of its most damaging manifestations. The EViDENCE Kits Project tests the viability of self-administered DNA test kits to support sexual violence case prosecutions. Presented by Professor Lisa Smith from the University of Leicester's Department of Criminology.
Recent research suggests that witness memory is not inherently unreliable, but perhaps the procedures and practices that the justice system uses to collect and interpret eyewitness evidence could lead to errors. At UoB we have developed an interactive lineup to increase accuracy. Presented by Melissa Colloff, PhD, from the University of Birmingham School of Psychology.
Crime victims often suffer trauma. How does this affect their memory and development of post-traumatic stress? This presentation reviews major theories of trauma and memory and interventions to help victims. Presented by Danielle Hett, MSc, a PhD candidate at the University of Birmingham School of Psychology and a member of the Crisis, Disaster and Trauma BPS section.
In developing countries, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is severely underreported to the authorities; thus, systematic knowledge about the full range of circumstanced in which SGBV occurs is lacking. This project seeks to capture survivor testimony using low cost evidence-based methods to preserve and protect memory evidence. Presented by Heather D. Flowe, PhD, from the University of Birmingham.